Svenska Jägareförbundet


Forskning - mer att läsa

Den vitkindade gåsen är en mycket välstuderad art. Omfattande forskning har bedrivits på Svalbard, i arktiska Ryssland, på Gotland samt i övervintringsområdena i Nederländerna och Storbritannien. En stor mängd vetenskapliga och populärvetenskapliga artiklar har publicerats. Nedan anges ett urval vetenskapliga böcker och artiklar.

Internationell förvaltningsplan:

Jensen, G.H., Madsen, J., Nagy, S. & Lewis M. (Compilers) 2018. AEWA International Single Species Management Plan for the Barnacle Goose (Branta leucopsis) - Russia/Germany & Netherlands population, East Greenland/Scotland & Ireland population, Svalbard/South-west Scotland population. AEWA Technical Series No. 70. Bonn, Germany. Länk till rapporten

Vetenskapliga böcker:

Black, J., Prop, J. & Larsson, K. 2014. The Barnacle Goose. London, T & AD Poyser. ISBN 978-1-4729-1157-5

Madsen, J., Cracknell, G. & Fox, A. D. 1999. Goose populations of the Western Palearctic. A review of status and distribution (eds. Madsen, J., Cracknell, G. & Fox, A. D.). Wetlands International Publ. No 48, Wetlands International, Wageningen, The Netherlands. National Environmental Research Institute, Rönde, Denmark.

Vetenskapliga artiklar:

Anderholm, S., Marshall, R. C.,van der Jeugd, H.P., Waldeck, P., Larsson, K. & Andersson, M. 2009. Nest parasitism in the barnacle goose: evidence from protein fingerprinting and microsatellites. Animal behaviour 78:167-174.

Forslund, P. & Larsson, K. 1995. Intraspecific nest parasitism in the barnacle goose: behavioural tactics of parasites and hosts. Animal Behaviour 50:509-517.

Fox, A.D., Ebbinge, B.S., Mitchell, C., Heinicke, T., Aarvak, T., Colhoun, K., Clausen, P., Dereliev, S., Faragó, S., Koffijberg, K., Kruckenberg, H., Loonen, M.J.J.E., Madsen, J., Mooij, J., Musil, P., Nilsson, L., Pihl, S. & van der Jeugd, H.P. 2010. Current estimates of goose population sizes in the Western Europe, a gap analysis and assessment of trends. Ornis Svecica 20:115–127.

Ganter, B., Larsson, K., Syroechkovsky, E. V., Litvin, K. E., Leito, A. & Madsen, J. 1999. Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis: Russia/Baltic. In: Goose populations of the Western Palearctic.A review of status and distribution (eds. Madsen, J., Cracknell, G. & Fox, A. D.). Wetlands International Publ. No 48, Wetlands International, Wageningen, The Netherlands. National Environmental Research Institute, Rönde, Denmark.

Larsson, K., Forslund, P., Gustafsson, L. & Ebbinge, B.S. 1988. From the high Arctic to the Baltic: the successful establishment of a Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis population on Gotland, Sweden. Ornis Scandinavica 19: 182-189.

Larsson, K. & van der Jeugd, H. P. 1998. Continuing growth of the Baltic barnacle goose population: Number of individuals and reproductive success in different colonies. Pp. 213-219, In Mehlum, F., Black, J.M. & Madsen, J. (eds.): Research on Arctic Geese. Proceedings of the Svalbard Goose Symposium, Oslo, Norway, 23-26 September 1997. Norsk Polarinstitutt Skrifter 200.

van der Jeugd, H.P, Eichhorn, G, Litvin, K.E. Stahl, J., Larsson, K., van der Graaf, A.J. & Drent, R.H. 2009. Keeping up with early springs: rapid range expansion in an avian herbivore incurs a mismatch between reproductive
timing and food supply. Global Change Biology 15:1057-1071.

van der Jeugd, H. P., van der Veen, I. T. & Larsson, K. 2002. Kin clustering in barnacle geese: familiarity or phenotype matching? Behavioral Ecology 13:786-790.

2013-08-14 2020-02-20